
Friday, August 30, 2019

Term 3 - Week 6

Noah received our class award this week for showing GRIT in maths and writing, well done Noah!

 The class made special cards that could be for Father's, Uncles or Grandads with Mrs Harpur.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Chicken Pox

Hi team, over the weekend I have been informed that we may have a few cases of chicken pox in our class!  Just letting you know in case you see some of the symptoms on your child.


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Term 3 - Week 5

Dallas received our class award this week for showing responsibility in his learning.
Well done Dallas!

 In maths we have been looking at how we can use what we know about tens to find a variety ways to make up different amounts of money.  Then we are recording our working so we can explain it to others.

 Loom bands have become a very popular activity.
It's great to see students teaching each other how to use these.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Term 3 - Week 4

Beau received our class award this week for the responsibility (ownership) he has shown during our swimming lessons, well done Beau!

This is our last week of swimming lessons, 
Time to put those lifejackets on!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Term 3 Week 3

Parker received our class award this week, for the kindness and respect he shows others.  Well done Parker!

We had swimming every day this week, the lessons will continue next week too.  

Friday, August 2, 2019

Term 3 Week 2

We begin our swimming lessons next week, we leave school at 12:10, go in the wave pool at 12:30, have our lesson at 1:00, leave the pool at 1:30.

Paityn received our class award this week for the respect she shows others.  Well done Paityn!