
Friday, May 29, 2020

Term 2 - Week 7

Kate received our class award this week for the respect she shows to others and for being responsible.

Leo's Gran made us these amazing winter hats, what a great gift, thanks!  "I really like how they are all different colours, none of them look the same, and they are so nice and warm" Maddie.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Term 2 - Week 6

 Leo and Will settle in for a quiet read together on the first morning back.
 Rusty received our class award for the GRIT he has been showing this week in writing. Well done Rusty!

 We collected autumn leaves and created different creatures.

 We take on the challenge of solving sudoku puzzles.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Ryan has a go at the ice-cream activity

This is what a delicious banana, feijoa, apple, and yoghurt flavoured ice-cream looks like, wow it looks so yummy Ryan!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Thanks for joining us on Zoom today!

Hi everyone! Zoom Meeting today ...

Fleur is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting today at 2pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Time: 2pm

Meeting ID: 794 6648 1607
Password: 4YkDCs

Wednesday Fun ... Last One!

Hey team.  This will be our last on-line Wednesday Fun Day so lets make it great!  It’s been fantastic seeing all the cool things you’ve been getting up to on the blog. 
Warm Up
Spend 5 minutes practising how to read an analogue clock.  (o’clock,quarter past, half past/minutes past).  Practice saying out loud the months of the year/days of the week.

Time Problems

Write a time-table for your ‘normal’ at home learning day. 

Extension: Use 24hr time


Answer these word problems below:

1.     Sal is going to walk her dog. She must be home by 5:30pm. If she leaves at 5:00pm, how long can she walk for?
2.     Pam plays her video game for 1 hour. She began at 3:30pm. What time did she finish?
3.     Mr Allan got to the doctors at 2:00pm. He was told he was half an hour too early for his appointment. What time was his appointment?
4.     Greg, Jill and Anne played tag from 8am until 9am. How long were they playing tag?


Go on Studyladder and find the time activities, work on these.


Sparks Writing day, yay!  As always you can have free choice as to what you’d like to write about today.

Challenge:  use strong verbs (doing words) in your writing


If you’re stuck for ideas you could have a go at this …

Never have I ever …

Think of some statements for this game (aim for 5+).
e.g. Never have I ever lept out of an aeroplane at dizzying heights, parachute attached, floating peacefully to the ground.


Use Joel’s poem (scroll down it’s near the bottom of the page) as inspiration today and write your own poem.  Finish these lines:

Iam …
I wonder why …
I hear …
I want …

I feel sad …
I worry about …
I am …

I dream …
I try …
I hope …
I am …

Brain Break
Have you seen chalk obstacle courses when you’ve been out for your walks?  At school last week when I was teaching we made some on the back court.  You could have a go yourself.  If you don’t have chalk you could try bark.


Head to the local park to find things to decorate your bird feeder (below)
Cartoon Magic!
Ever wanted to be able to draw cartoons?  I know I have what a cool skill to have.
Meet Pete McKee (above) he’s an amazing cartoon artist and he’s going to take you through some cartoon workshops today.

Your challenge today is to try and create a cartoon YOU. 

Check out Talia’s one from Nikau.  I think it looks just like her!

This poem is written by Joel Bascand who is in Tawa.  I loved it so much I wanted to share it with you.

It would be awesome if you could send Joel an e-mail and give him some feedback about his poem. (


Read a story for 15 mins from your home library.  If you don’t have one go on Vooks or Storyonline.  Read a few pages or a chapter to someone in your household.  Or you may like to look on Wonderopolis and learn some new interesting facts.

Vooks Email
Password for Vooks.
Don’t you just love the sound of birds talking to each other in the trees?  To attract birds to your place I thought it might be cool for you to have a go at making a bird feeder.  I have a youtube clip below that shows an easy way of making one out of a milk bottle.  You may need to use different things at home e.g. instead of using a dowel use a stick. 

You might like to go for a walk to your local park to find things to decorate your feeder.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Term 2 - Week 5

This is a cool poem (click on the link below), if you haven't seen it yet I recommend watching it with your family.

Lockdown Learning Term 2 - Week 5

Here it is, the learning grid for week 5.  I'm really proud of the GRIT you have been showing with the tasks I have set, especially when I have heard of some of you having to try several different ways to solve the maths.  Lots of re-thinking, learning from mistakes, being patient, and not giving up. Good on you!

Click on this link to go to original learning grid document:  Week 5 Learning Grid

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Extra for keen beans!

Missing sounds
Use oy or oi to finish these words:

b__         j___         b___l

s__ l        c___n       n__se

__ l         ann___         t____

Choose the letters ff, ll, or ss to complete these spellings:

dri____           te_____

fe____            me_____

gra_____        o _____

sme_____       cro_____

cli_____          we _____

  be_____          sni_____

Fill in the missing numbers:

5, 10, ____, 20, 25, ____, 35, 40, ___, 50, ___, ____

2, ___, 6, ___, 10, 12, ____, ___, 18, ___