
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Term 3 - Week 10

Rusty received our class award for working well with his classmates.

 We got HEAPS of play-doh together and made characters from books, films and games we know.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Term 3 - Week 9

Eli received the class award for the team-work he shows when working in co-operative groups.  Well done Eli!
 We had cricket coaching this week.

 The students have been looking at symmetry with Mrs Harpur.

Last week we had our Hangi...and it was AWESOME!!!!!
Thanks so much to all the students and parents who pitched in and helped make it a success, great whanaungatanga!

 Leo and Mason mixing what has to be one of the largest amounts of stuffing ever!

 More hero projects were presented, well done everyone who had a go and completed this assignment!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Term 3 - Week 8

 More students have been bringing their HERO projects in, well done to everyone who has presented one so far!  We have had a range of heroes including authors, animals, parents, mountain climbers, war heroes and more.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Term 3 - Week 7

Leo received our class award for the GRIT he shows in writing, Leo is always willing to go back over his work and make improvements, well done Leo!

 We have been using groups of ten and rounding to do some grocery shopping within a set budget.