
Friday, February 28, 2020

Term 1 - Week 4

Natalie received our class award this week for the respect she shows others and for showing responsibility by being organised.

 We have been doing some great writing and then sharing it with each other.
At the moment we are working on using descriptive language.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Term 1 - week 3

Trinity received our class award this week for showing Respect and Responsibility each day.  
Well done Trinity!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Term 1 - Week 2

 It was a perfect day for a swim at Nayland Pool.

 We had buddy class reading with Room 1

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Term 1 Week 1

We have been doing a bit of art to add a splash of colour and personality to our class walls.

 We have settled into the start of 2020 with some buddy reading.

There are jobs for the students to do that will help Ti Kouka run smoothly, these include watering the plants, looking after the computers, sorting the bookshelf, tidying our break-out room (quiet space) and taking out the compost.  Next week there will be a roster for these that will change every two weeks.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Welcome back everyone!

I'm looking forward to getting to know all the students and parents/caregivers who will be part of our team in Ti Kouka for 2020, we are going to have a GREAT year together!

Dave Pearson