
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sand timer ... go Parker!

How did everyone else go making sand/rice timers?  It's a pain when the sand is wet ...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Autumn ... simply beautiful

Welcome to Wednesday!


Kiwi Kids News

Read the story/stories below (ask a parent to help if you get stuck with tricky words)
(Parker, I chose the second story because I thought you might be interested).

Try to answer the questions at the end of the story


Read a story for 15+ mins from your home library.  If you don’t have one go on Vooks or Storyonline.  Read a few pages or a chapter to someone in your household.

Password for Vooks.


Today’s Focus:
How long is a minute?

Warm Up
Reflect on the last few weeks.
Do you remember the months of the year?  How many days are in each month? (re-read poem). Can you show me quarter past/half past on an analogue clock?


Guess how long a minute is.  Get someone to time it and stand up when you think a minute is up.

What can you do it a minute?

How many times can you write your name?
How many star jumps can you do?
How many times could you run around your house?
How many times could you say the alphabet?
How many times could you read the months of the year poem?

Create your own minute timer
Have a go at making  your own salt/sand/sugar/rice timer

Resources needed
·       Empty 250ml bottle
·       Dry sand (or salt or anything you can find)
·       Paper cups
1.     Get an adult to help you cut the bottle in half.
2.     Cut hole in lid
3.     Fill top with dry sand
4.     Watch and time it falling into a cup.
5.     Can you find the correct amount to measure 1 minute?
Check out this link for making a fancy timer, you’ll need two bottles for this one.


Sparks Writing

It’s your favourite day team!  Free Writing.  You may choose your own topic or use some of the helpful ideas below to spark some writing!

Either write on paper or on a google doc to share with me.
Write for at least 20 minutes.  Re-read your work.  Find 3 spelling words to fix.

Today’s Challenge
Use juicy adjectives (describing words) 3+.

Stuck for ideas?
Use these pictures to spark some writing …
What conversation might these two be having?

Where is this bear going?

Fitness/Brain Break
Minute Madness

How many…

·       Jumps knees up
·       Flosses
·       Burpees
·       Side jumps over  a line
·       Hops
·       Runs around the house
·       Steps ups on a chair
·       Runs to your letterbox and back to front door

can you do in a minute??

Or …

Walk to your local park.  Collect leaves of every colour.  Try to find leaves of all shapes and sizes.  Collect twigs and cool stones too.

You’ll need these for your Art Today.

Autumn Art
Wow, there are some amazing coloured leaves about at the moment.  Today we are going to use the leaves we gathered to make objects/animals/words … anything you like!

Get some inspiration from Nikau Kids!

If you've already had a go at these earlier in the week (Mr Pearson and I were on the same wave length this week) then you could have a go at the ideas below. 

You will need a hot glue gun for this.  Or you could try PVA glue if you have it but it would need time to dry.

I thought you could use milk bottles for this idea and adapt it. (Like we did for our ANZAC day lanterns - but stick the leaves on the outside of the bottle).

Being Mindful

Sometimes you just need some time to chill out. 

When I went for a walk the other day I videoed the sounds of bamboo sticks ‘talking’ to one another in the wind.

I thought it was beautiful and I thought I’d share it with you.

How about going outside for some chill out time.  What sorts of things can you hear at your place?

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Thanks so much for getting together on zoom today, it was great to hear what you have all been up to and see your smiling faces.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Welcome to week 3!

Learning for Term 2 - Week 3

Link to the week 3 lockdown learning grid.

Sorry this is a bit blurry, it's a just screen shot. I had a few technical issues this week as my blog and google docs don't seem to be getting along!  Just click on the link above and it should take you to the actual learning grid document.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


A couple of extra spelling challenges for you keen beans!

Make as many words as you can from the following letters. You can only use each letter once in each word but you can then use the same letter again in the next word. What is the largest word you can make?
D   R   I
A   T   B
  E    O   N

Unscramble these words ( a bit of trial and error needed for this).

nowd        het    whne

koob    shcolo   nxte     

aounrd  sith  evrye

toyad   hatt   yuo

neth   bceuase  tehy

Look what we've been doing!

Maddie is definitely keeping active...go Maddie!

Beau tackles the egg science task.

 Sophie's Lion trap and yuckiest sandwich recipe...I actually think that sandwich sounds ok Sophie!
 This is Maddie's recipe for delicious French Toast...Yum!

Here is Ryan's recipe for yummy Lolly Cake.

What a great way to deliver tasty treats ... via catapult.  Great thinking Sophie!

Ryan has made these poppies and put them on his window.  Great job!

Parker has been doing a book review about Percy Jackson

Have you ever wondered how to look after a turtle ... ask Parker :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What's Jan been up to?

Hi all - I have been following your school blog to keep up to date with what you have been doing in room 7. Mrs Harpur has set you some great art to do. Myself and my family bubble - a husband Lee and a daughter Jennifer have been trying to keep busy - reading, doing Wasgij puzzles, watching TV, going for walks around our neighbourhood, exercising on the front lawn to name a few things.
This week we created Anzac poppies to put on our letterbox, on metal rods to put in the lawn and for our santa bears in the window. I will be getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning on Anzac Day to stand by my letterbox and shining a torch in the sky to remember the soldiers.

Wednesday Fun!

Mr Science 

Remember Mr Science?  He’s a super cool teacher who teaches all sorts of cool Science Concepts.

Set your clock alarm to 10:50.  Mr Science is sharing a live session from 11am – 11:30.  There’s sure to be things catching on fire or blowing up.  Enjoy!!

Connect to Zoom enter:

Password: 147288

I just watched one the other day that had experiments using milk.  He even talked about how to make ice-cream!

All his lessons are on youtube (if you are having issues connecting to the zoom session you could watch an older one.)

Have a read of some sections in the Upstart Magazine.  What was your favourite section?  Did you learn anything interesting?  
Read your own book.  (15 mins+)  Tell someone what your favourite part was. You could write a book review or do a video book review if you’re brave!

The link below might give you some ideas of what to share.

Upstart Magazine also has a, 'Bury your head in a Book' challenge.  This is worth a look and has some cool prizes.

Sparks Writing

Sparks Writing

It’s your favourite day team!  Free Writing.  You may choose your own topic or use some of the helpful ideas below to spark some writing!

Today’s Challenge … read your work.  Does it make sense? Check for full stops and capital letters.

Read your work to someone in your household.  Ask them to tell you one thing they liked and one thing you could change to make your writing even better.

STUCK for ideas …. Try this….


Click on the link below to read the Upstart Digital Magazine. 

Inside there are heaps of competitions.  Here’s a couple I think you’ll like.

Perfect Pet (Page  28)
Ambassador of Awesome (Page 46)

Warm Up

Clock time
Find an analogue clock in your home. Show another member in your house o’clock times/quarter past/half past. 

Draw a clock – tell someone or draw what your favourite time of the day is. 

EXTENSION: Show quarter to times on the clock (remember the hour hand keeps moving).  Show minutes past the hour.


Play Stop the Clock  or go on Study ladder – look for the clock activities that Mr Pearson has added for you.

Get Moving!

Using these letters you can do a workout using the letters of your FULL name.  Try and get your 'bubble' to join in too. If you're unsure of the exercises you could look them up on google.

Lets Get Creative
ANZAC day is this Saturday.  I think it would be great to do some Poppy Art to remember all those who died in the war.

Today you have two options (depending on what you have available at home).  You could do this milk bottle art or you could draw some poppies and decorate your letterbox/window/door. (Ask permission from home first).

Milk Bottle Art (see my video)

1.  Get an adult to help cut the top part off your milk bottle.
2.  Using the links below.  Draw a poppy/cross onto paper.
3.  Put your paper inside your bottle and trace with a black vivid onto your bottle.  If you don't have vivids then you could just stick your paper onto the outside of your bottle.  
4.  Put sand or dirt on the inside of your bottle and put your tea-light candle on the dirt. Ask an adult to light it on Anzac Day.  If you don't have a tea light candle              you could use a torch.

How to draw a bunch of poppies  (Tricky but is step by step)