
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Lockdown Learning Term 2 - Week 2. Hi team! Here are the activities for the second week of Term 2. Fleur will add more of her own for Wednesday. Have fun!


This week I have tried to link my maths challenge to the time theme that Fleur is doing with you.  You have been looking at calendars, it will be very helpful for you to know how many months are in a year for this task!
Bill puts exactly $25 into his piggy bank every month.
It takes one year and three months to fill. How much money will Bill have in his full piggy bank?

Tips for home:

Get children to look at a calendar and confirm how many months they think are in a year.
Record the important information from the question. Questions you might ask your child are:
1. How many months are there in one year?
2. How many months does it take for Bill to fill his piggy bank? So how many lots of $25 do we need to add?
3. Can you do anything to the $25 or to the number of months to break this big calculation into
smaller steps? (perhaps breaking it up so you are adding all the 5s and all the 20s, or if they work out what two lots of 25 would be (you could add 20 + 20 and 5 + 5) can we use that to make the addition easier?  How much money will he have after 4 months, could this be helpful? Remember you can help them with this….
4. How much has Bill got altogether in his piggy bank?



Procedural writing task - 
writing instructions

Think of the most delicious sandwich you could possibly make...or the most disgusting sandwich.  Write down all the steps you would need to follow to create this. Watch the storyline online story Carla’s Sandwich for inspiration. Here is the link:

You will know you have been successful when your instructions show:
A title telling the purpose of the instructions.
The ingredients or equipment that we need are listed.
Each step is written on a new line and is numbered.
Each step is written in order.
Each step is written in the present tense.
Each step begins with a verb.
The instructions can be understood and followed by someone else.

Reading - 
Read one of your favourite books at home (or choose one from epic reading) and write down the:
PLOT (what happens) 
SETTING (where it happens, this may be several different places as the story progresses)
CHARACTERS (Which people or animals are in it)
Finally write a sentence explaining what you like about his book, you will need to use the word ‘because’ in your sentence.

I like to move it!

Run the red carpet!

Get moving to this Go Noodle. Click on the link to take you to the video. 

Get creative!

Sketch a design for a device that could capture an escaped lion, or that could rescue a kitten stuck in a very tall tree.  Remember to label your design.

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