
Monday, April 13, 2020

Lockdown Learning Term 2 - Week 1

Ti Kouka Lockdown Learning - Term 2 Week 1

Hi team! Here are the learning activities for the first week of Term 2.
Fleur will add activities of her own on Wednesdays.  Have fun! Mr Pearson (Dave).

Easter bunny and chicken problem: 
A class are making rabbits and chickens for easter art.  They end up making 11 animals in total. When they are finished they have made 28 legs for their animals. How many chickens and how many rabbits are there?
The goals for this task are to:

Break a larger number into smaller parts
To apply addition, skip counting and multiplication skills to a worded maths problem.

Use problem solving strategies (guess and check, guess and improve, draw a picture, use materials, reflect on your solution) 

Tips for home:
- Get children to read the problem carefully.
- Record the important information.
- Talk about how this task will involve a lot of trial and error….you will have to show GRIT!
- Start by drawing a few examples and do an example together e.g look at 5 rabbits and 6 Chickens, how many animals is that…and how many legs?  5 rabbits and 6 chickens would be 11 animals, (which is the right number of animals) but would be 32 legs (which is too many) so what could we do to keep the number of animals but reduce the number of legs?  Look at what happens if you turn a rabbit into a chicken (you reduce the number of legs by two…this may come in very handy).
- Drawing a table for trial and error and guesses can help.
Procedural writing task - 
writing instructions

Choose a favourite recipe or your favourite game.  Record the instructions of how to make the recipe or play the game.  If you want to type this up you can then email it to me or save it to a usb memory stick and then we can print it out at school and glue it into your writing books when the lockdown is over.

You will know you have been successful when your instructions show:
A title telling the purpose of the instructions.
The ingredients or equipment that we need are listed.
Each step is written on a new line and is numbered.
Each step is written in order.
Each step is written in the present tense.
Each step begins with a verb.
The instructions can be understood and followed by someone else.

Reading - current events
Check out ‘Kiwi Kids News’ on the Kiwi Kids News link.  Choose an article from National, World, Sport or Oddstuff. Share the story with a member of your family. 
Challenge: Record What it was about, Who was involved, Where it took place and Why you found it interesting (I like the one about the world’s steepest street because I used to live next to it and ride my motorbike up those steep hills each day!)

I like to move it!
Move like the Avengers
Get moving to this Les Mills Kids workout. Click on the link to take you to the video. 
Get creative!
Bouncy Egg!
Check out this link for a cool easter science experiment… How to make a bouncy egg - cool science for kids 

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